Explosive, electrifying, endearing – inside the world of Lucha Libre

Lucha Libre is a form of wrestling that originated in Mexico and translates from Spanish as ‘free fight’.

Mexican wrestling is famous for the colourful masks of its luchadores, and the codes of honour surrounding them.

I was recently granted a unique opportunity to attend and take part in a training session alongside members of Europe’s largest professional wrestling academy, the London School of Lucha Libre.

Being typically British, pro wrestling never really encroached onto my radar as a youth.

So when the chance arose to step behind the scenes of what I had been assured was one of the most explosive and outlandish athletic and theatrical spectacles in the city, in Lucha Britannia, and gain insight into the inner workings of the country’s pro wrestling scene,  I took it by both hands.

Club captain Garry Vanderhorne explains how Lucha Britannia takes the best elements from wrestling around the world and merges them into an almost balletic form of combat which boosts the fitness, confidence and self-esteem of participants who also form many friendships in and out of the ring.

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Check out the Lucha Britannia website for news about featuring upcoming shows and class times.

The school and venue is located at The Resistance Gallery, 265 Poyser Street, Bethnal Green. E29RF.

Film and editorial credit – Natalia Glow. Photo credit – https://www.facebook.com/PUMPphotography/