Premier League ‘will have safe standing by summer 2018’

Daniel Racheter talks to safe standing expert Jon Darch about his mission to see it adopted by English football’s top flight
Walking football? It’s no stroll in the park

Daniel Racheter explores the growing popularity of walking football
‘There’s more to beach volleyball than tight clothing’

This edition of ES TV sees reporter Daniel Racheter interview University of the Arts London’s women’s volleyball player Francisca L. Dias. Francesca… Read More »
Women’s hockey on the rise after Olympic success

Video: UAL women’s hockey president Dhalyn Warren discusses the rising participation in her sport after Team GB’s gold medal at the Rio Olympics
In pole position for Olympic recognition?

Daniel Racheter explores the growing sport of pole, which is determined to leave the strip-club stereotypes behind
Spurs supporters urged to honour young fan

Elephant Sport reports on a campaign to mark the tragic death of a young footballer
‘I decided to text my coach and quit. It was my lowest point’

Daniel Racheter talks to Paralympian Ryan Crouch about how he rediscovered his love of swimming
England success boosts women’s rugby union

Daniel Racheter looks at the uplift given to women’s rugby by England’s World Cup win